Behind the Scenes: Warehouse Packing

When preparing palettes, it can get dizzy 😵‍💫. Anything to protect your boxes for shipment 🚚. We take it as a sport 😆😏. You can say we are preparing for the warehouse Olympics…


Olympics, competition, and business

This Friday will be the beginning of the Paris Summer Olympics and we are excited! Living in South Florida, it’s easier to connect with summer sports than winter ones. Personally, I can feel the rushing of water into my nose and the racing of my heart when I see the athletes swim, in a way that I cannot feel or understand when I see athletes sliding down a snowy mountain on skis.

While we wait for the big games to start, we decided to watch a movie called “The Boys in the Boat”, based on the US’s 1936 rowing team. The movie follows the rowing team of the University of Washington and the many struggles they had to make it to the Olympic games in Berlin. Taking place during the Great Depression, the film does a great job at illustrating the economic difficulties these students had and their willingness to work hard.

Because of the financial situation the US was in at the time, the Olympic Committee could not finance the teams going to Berlin. This was a major setback for the UW students, but they immediately began fundraising. There’s a scene in the movie, where the coach for the rival team of University of California writes a check for $300, completing the total $5,000 of the fundraiser. 

In our business, we too have lived moments of collaboration with rivals and our competition. As small businesses, one of our characteristics is having limited resources. I mean, we all have a limit in resources, but as small businesses, this is especially felt when BIG orders come in or BIG opportunities are opening up. Without collaboration and the ability to reach out and ask for help from other small businesses, we will lose. 

That’s the beautiful part of the scene when the coach of UC helps the UW students make it to the Olympics. Spoiler: they win first place for the US. When we help and ask for help, even from our rivals, everyone wins. Our clients win by getting their needs met, we win the trust of our clients and a good profit, and our competition wins profit and the confidence to ask the same from us in the future.

If you’re a small business owner or are thinking of starting a business, don’t be afraid to help and ask for help from others, you could win first place.

Podcast "Health & Innovation" Ep. 2 - Home Healthcare Gadgets


Excerpt of podcast episode 2: Home Healthcare Gadgets, adapted to article format. For full episode click here.


What is a home healthcare gadget?

It’s a device that can be used by any person at home with little training. There is some fundamental understanding that you need to have, for example having a thermometer and knowing what is a fever and what isn’t. There are many gadgets that have been developed apart from the thermometer, but the thermometer is a common one.


Do you think Covid-19 had an effect on the home healthcare industry?

Of course, there’s products like the pulse oximeter, that became popular during that time, because it was an indicator of when to go to the hospital. The pulse oximeter is put on the index finger and it measures the saturated oxygen. If you go on the internet, you’ll learn how to use it. During this time, doctors and hospitals were saturated with patients and to alleviate the amount of people going to see if they had covid, these kinds of gadgets delegated some of the monitoring to the individual.


What is a product you’ve found in the recent year that you consider “innovative”?

EyeQue Vision Check: an at-home vision monitoring tracker. It’s perfect for people that want to monitor their vision in between seeing their ophthalmologist. I remember a period in my life where my vision was getting worse and I had to go twice a year to get my eyes checked. This kind of product sounds like it could help people going through something similar.

Hyperbaric Chamber: This was a product mostly seen in hospitals and clinics but is being modified for home usage. The hyperbaric chamber administers oxygen at a higher pressure and has been used for years by scuba divers, athletes, and veterans. It’s perfect for cancer and diabetic patients in their various treatments. This is one home care gadget I would love to have and know it would be beneficial to my health.



Podcast "Health & Innovation" Episode 1: Celebrating 4th of July as a Small Business


Excerpt of podcast "Health & Innovation" Episode1: Celebrating Independence Day as a Small Business. Adapted to article format. For full episode click here.


What was your “aha moment” that motivated you to open your own business?

The cofounder of our business is my wife, Cecilia, and a big motivator was our family backgrounds. We were brought up in homes with a family business, we knew that sooner or later we would end up having businesses of our own. But the big motivator was when I was doing my masters in engineering management. We had many business classes and during one of them, I realized, “wow I’m ready”. After sharing it with my wife, we talked and agreed it was time to open our small business.


What were some of the fears of starting your own business?

Funding was a huge one, where was the money going to come from and would it be enough for our family to survive. We actually opened our business during the recession of 2008 which we didn’t know would happen. Thankfully, it didn’t impact us. But as the years go by, you realize that the fears you initially had before starting your business will accompany you, where to find clientele, getting a loan from a bank or from family, etc. However, by learning and doing research, slowly you start to address those fears and find solutions.


What are the benefits of having a small business in the US?

The freedom and support given to small business owners here in the US is amazing. As soon as you begin your business, you have the support of the Small Business Administration (SBA). This is a government sponsored organization that gives classes, mentorship, and funding opportunities for small businesses. They have experts from different industries, volunteering their time to care for business owners.

Celebrating National Blueberry Day: A Superfruit Worth Savoring


As we mark National Blueberry Day, it's the perfect time to celebrate the small but mighty blueberry. If you’re into dieting or have been to a nutritionist, you might notice that blueberries are commonly included. This vibrant fruit is not only delicious but also packed with an array of health benefits that make it a true superfood. Let’s dive into the science-backed reasons why blueberries are so powerful.


1. Nutrient Powerhouse

Blueberries are low in calories yet rich in essential nutrients. One cup of blueberries provides 24% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, 36% of Vitamin K, and 25% of Manganese. They also deliver a good dose of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health and helping to keep you feeling full and satisfied.


2. Antioxidant-Rich

These little berries are loaded with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which give them their deep blue color. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress, reducing damage to your cells and lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Regular consumption of blueberries has been linked to a reduction in DNA damage, a leading driver of aging and cancer.


3. Heart Health

Blueberries have been shown to have a significant impact on cardiovascular health. Studies suggest that eating blueberries can help lower blood pressure and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. The high levels of anthocyanins in blueberries are credited with these heart-healthy benefits, making them a delicious way to protect your heart.


4. Brain Booster

Including blueberries in your diet could be a smart choice for your brain. Research has found that the antioxidants in blueberries may delay brain aging and improve memory. The compounds in blueberries appear to enhance brain function by protecting neurons and improving communication between brain cells.


5. Blood Sugar Regulation

For those concerned about blood sugar control, blueberries offer a sweet solution. Despite their sweetness, they have a low glycemic index and have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. This makes them a great fruit choice for individuals managing diabetes or those looking to prevent it.


6. Skin Health

The vitamins and antioxidants in blueberries contribute to glowing skin. Vitamin C aids in collagen formation, which is essential for healthy skin. Antioxidants help protect your skin from damage caused by the sun and pollution, potentially slowing down the aging process.


7. Supporting Weight Loss

Blueberries can be a valuable addition to a weight loss diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied without overeating. Additionally, the natural sweetness of blueberries can satisfy your sweet tooth, reducing the likelihood of reaching for unhealthy snacks.



On National Blueberry Day, let’s celebrate this incredible fruit that offers a multitude of health benefits in every bite. Whether you enjoy them fresh, frozen, in a smoothie, or baked into your favorite dessert, blueberries are a tasty and nutritious way to boost your health. Let us know how you plan to celebrate National Blueberry Day!


For more information on the health benefits of blueberries, check out these resources from [Healthline]( and [EatingWell](

FIME 2024 Experience


Last week, we had the opportunity to attend FIME, an annual expo of medical and laboratory supplies and equipment. It was amazing to see the great variety of countries represented and the innovative supplies and equipment for the industry.


Before I continue, let me share some context:

I was able to attend FIME with 2 other team members of the marketing team on the third day. Our company’s co-founders had gone the day before and shared with us a brief overview of the expo. However, in our team, 2 of us had never attended FIME. I’ll therefore, be writing from the perspective of going for the first time to FIME.


Having all that in mind, we were really excited to see new equipment and learn in the process. It truly was an eye-opening experience and left us reflecting on the future of medicine and science. If you want to get a glimpse at our experience, we’ll be sharing a VLOG (video log) soon, so stay tuned!


It’s encouraging to see different companies and manufacturers looking for ways to improve systems or equipment currently in the market. We saw a wheelchair (which we later purchased) made out magnesium, a material lighter than aluminum! We also learned of an Indian company working in the US, manufacturing casts filled with resin and cured with blue light. These casts are lighter to carry and can get wet, meaning, you no longer have to cover your fractured arm with a plastic bag when taking a shower.


We also enjoyed the wellness products and seeing their many uses and benefits. Obviously, we said yes to a quick 10-minute massage which gave us a little rest from all the walking.


Seeing so much technology and efficient equipment for rehabilitation or surgeries, I wondered if the costs for such products would make it of difficult access to countries outside North America and Europe. However, I was glad to see many countries coming up with their own versions or different solutions. The more these products are worked on and distributed, the more access is given to all.


All in all, I’m grateful for the opportunity of going to FIME and getting exposed to the various equipment and products in the medical industry. We’re hopeful that by going, we will be better equipped to serve our clients, whether they are distributors in their own countries, or they’re end users here in the States. 


- Aisha

 Click here to watch our experience!

Celebrating Juneteenth: Honoring Innovation in Science and Medicine

As we commemorate Juneteenth, we reflect on the profound contributions of African Americans in science and innovation, particularly in the medical and scientific fields. This historic day, marking the end of slavery in the United States, serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and ingenuity that have driven progress and transformation.

The Legacy of George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver, a pioneering African American scientist, exemplifies the spirit of Juneteenth through his groundbreaking work in agriculture and science. Born into slavery, Carver overcame immense obstacles to become one of the most respected scientists of his time. His innovative research at Tuskegee University revolutionized agricultural practices, introducing crop rotation and promoting the use of alternative crops like peanuts and sweet potatoes to improve soil health and boost the economy.

Carver’s legacy extends beyond agriculture; his work laid the groundwork for advancements in sustainability and biochemistry, influencing various fields of science and medicine. His dedication to research and education continues to inspire future generations of scientists and innovators.

Juneteenth and Our Commitment to Progress

At Kyrios Soter Scientific, we are dedicated to advancing scientific and medical innovation. As we celebrate Juneteenth, we honor the contributions of African American pioneers like George Washington Carver, whose work has had a lasting impact on our industry. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where diversity drives creativity and progress.

Embracing Innovation in Medical and Lab Supplies

We are committed to provide high-quality medical and lab supplies that support cutting-edge research and healthcare solutions. We recognize that innovation thrives in diverse environments, and we are proud to contribute to a legacy of scientific excellence. By offering state-of-the-art equipment and supplies, we enable researchers and healthcare professionals to push the boundaries of what is possible, honoring the spirit of Juneteenth and the trailblazers who have paved the way.


As we observe Juneteenth, let us celebrate the achievements and contributions of African Americans in science and medicine. George Washington Carver’s life and work remind us of the importance of perseverance, innovation, and the transformative power of education. At Kyrios Soter Scientific, a certified minority owned business, we are inspired by this legacy and remain committed to supporting the scientific community with the best tools and supplies to drive future advancements.

For more information on George Washington Carver’s contributions, visit [Tuskegee University’s page]( To learn more about the historical significance of Juneteenth, explore the [National Museum of African American History and Culture](

Nuestro Mercado/ Our Market

  • Centros Médicos en General
  • Clínicas Privadas y Públicas
  • Colegios y Universidades
  • Distribuidores de productos de laboratorios
  • Distribuidores de productos médicos
  • Hospitales Públicos y Privados
  • Laboratorios Clínicos
  • Laboratorios de Control de Calidad
  • Laboratorios de Criminalística
  • Laboratorios de Investigación
  • Laboratorios Farmacéuticos
  • Laboratorios Industriales