Vitamin D on Covid 19
What we Know About it

Some studies have shown the importance of vitamin D as it relates to Covid 19 prevention

Recent studies have concentrated on Vitamin D deficiency in relationship to testing positive for Covid 19. (William F. Marshall, III M.D., Mayo Clinic) "One study of 489 people found that those who had a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to test positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 than people who had normal levels of vitamin D. Other research has observed high rates of vitamin D deficiency in people with COVID-19 who experienced acute respiratory failure. These people had a significantly higher risk of dying. And a small, randomized study found that of 50 people hospitalized with COVID-19 who were given a high dose of a type of vitamin D (calcifediol), only one needed treatment in the intensive care unit. In contrast, among the 26 people with COVID-19 who weren't given calcifediol, 13 needed to be treated in the intensive care unit."

As it is known, we get vitamin D when we get direct daily exposure to the sun. We also receive Vitamin D from our nutrition. The daily dose is known to be around 5000 i.u. of it. But, what if we are not getting enough sun exposure and we are not taking vitamin D pills or food rich in vitamin D? Vitamin D deficiency seems to be a growing factor in our generation. We have received tons of information on avoiding too much sun exposure due to high numbers of skin cancer. On top of that, there is a high percentage of people living in regions where the sun does not "shine" enough to generate the daily dose of vitamin D needed.

Additionally, a study on Vitamin D insufficiency, published on Feb. 2010 (J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Feb; 21(2): 261–271.) points at the effect of the consumption of High Fructose Syrup as an inhibitor on Vitamin D as well as inhibitor of intestinal calcium absorption. Therefore, even if we take elevated doses of Vitamin D while still taking food containing High Fructose Syrup, the benefits of the Vitamin D intake will not be received. This finding is crucial to understanding the unprecedented effects of a virus in a world that is consuming High Fructose Syrup which is part of almost every processed food available in today's market. This also points at the unfair share suffered by Hispanics and Blacks in the U.S. as a part of the population with the highest numbers of vitamin D deficiency. These two groups have also the highest numbers of Covid 19 infections in the U.S.


Franco Arias
General Manager

Kyrios Soter Scientific
12355 SW 129 Ct. Suite 6
Miami, Fl. 33186


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